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Lifting Heavy Weights

When we sit in meditation, we learn to let go of light weights, so that when life hands us heavy weights, we know how to set them down. 

On Suffering, Anger, and Anxiety

My thoughts on suffering, anger, and anxiety, and the realization that they are all one thing. 

Insights I have recieved on Bhuddist ideas of suffering (dukkha) being caused by grasping and clinging. 

Australian Finger Lime Marmalade Updated and Improved

Australian finger lime marmalade V2.0 - updated and improved.

Ragnar Kjartansson's The Visitors at SFMoMA

I was blown away by “The Visitors” video installation at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMoMA) 

All the World's an Audience

What does my audience know that I don't know?  

What would they tell me if they could? 

Lessons at the Crosswalk

Learning lessons in loving kindness while crossing the street. 

Gratitude for the shower

I am grateful for my shower. The water, the peace, and the opportunity. 

Are we larvae?

I wonder if caterpillars know that they will become butterflies. 

I wonder if we are the larval state of something else. 

Spoiler Alert

Knowing how it works takes away the magic. 

It is up to us to get it back. 

Loneliness on BART

Loneliness on the Bay Area Rapid Transit. 

A meditation on social isolation. 

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