Do You Know That There Are 52 States in the USA?

By | Wednesday, December 16, 2015 87 comments

I recently stumbled across a blog post discussing the idea that a lot of people think that there are 52 states in the United States of America. Apparently, the purpose of the blog, “The Mandela Effect”, is to consider why it is that different people remember the same event or historical fact differently. The blog’s author has a theory that people may have different memories because they slide back and forth between alternate realities (or something like that.) I think that the author is serious about this idea - but to be honest, I’m not entirely sure.

In the post in question, she wonders if people might think the US has 52 states because they mistakenly believe that Puerto Rico and Washington D. C. are states. She asks “is this simple confusion or a glimpse into alternate geography in another timestream?” [sic] To stimulate the conversation, she provides illuminating anecdotes from a number of readers.

I would have just left this alone, but, after a brief internet search I found that the question of 50 vs. 52 states has come up repeatedly. You can find it on Ask.comYahoo Answers, and even a site entitled “Debunking the Mandala Effect”. Even though I am not a cartographer, sociologist, or psychologist, I couldn’t resist throwing my ring into the hat.

As on The Mandala Effect blog, in the attempts to answer the question, “why do people think that there are 52 states”, one of the most common themes is that some people believe that Puerto Rico and Washington D.C. are states. [FYI – they aren't. At least not yet... in this time-stream. ] I find it highly unlikely that misunderstandings about Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia is the right answer. Here’s why: the intersection between the set of people that believe there are 52 states, those that know that Puerto Rico is related to the USA in some way, and those that know that Washington D. C. isn’t just a city, is vanishingly small. Here is a Venn Diagram to illustrate:

The intersection isn't zero, but it's pretty close.

Granted that my only qualification for answering this question is that I possess a functioning frontal lobe, I believe that this has more to do with two other factors. The first is visual. Here is a fairly ordinary map of the USA – the kind that people run across all the time:

If you have heard that there are 50 states, but you don’t really know much about the geography of the US, you see this big blob cut up into pieces. It is unlikely that you are going to count them. It is easy to assume that there are 50. Then there are two other sets of blobs. I doubt that many viewers think about this consciously, but, somewhere in the back of the mind, over time, it is easy to turn a blob assumed to be made of 50 pieces, plus two other blobs, into 52 states.

The second factor is the way peoples' memories work. Our brains are bombarded with vast amounts of information, some important and some not. It is normal for humans to remember approximations, unless, for some reason, they really need to know a fact with precision. If you don’t have a compelling reason to know how many states make up the United States of America, your brain is likely to store it as a fuzzy "50-ish". This would be true for a great many non-Americans, and a terrifying number of American citizens as well.

So why 52, and not 51, or 53, or 766? First and foremost, there are 52 weeks in a year. We learn this early in life, around the time that we learn all about calendars. Furthermore, in "western” nations we have the number “52” trained into us, because there are 52 playing cards in a standard deck. This exact number is stored because you learned it while playing cards - especially if your father ever taught you “52 pickup.” (Aside: why do I say "your father" and not "a parent"? Because I don't think many mothers are that cruel, and besides, they know that they might be the one that has to "pick up.")

If someone asks you how many states there are, you may recall that it is about 50, but, of course, you want to give a precise number. Your brain’s memory systems start looking for the number. Along the way they bump into the big, bold, shiny number "52". You don’t want to appear “slow”, so as soon as you come up with a number that seems right, you use it. Fifty-two is about 50-ish, so that is the answer you give. If questioned about your answer, self-justification circuits kick in which solidify it in your mind. Also, you just heard someone say that there are 52 states. Even though that someone is you, brains sometimes don’t realize that, and furthermore, as far as your brain is concerned, you are an authoritative source. If you said something, you can believe it.

Voila. A pair of really solid  reasons why a person that doesn’t need to know how many states make up the USA could easily think there are 52, and feel quite convinced that they are correct. No need to slip into a different timestream, the answer is right here.
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  1. I think you are wrong. There are some proofs that there are or were 52 states. 1 proof is the icp song "FUCK THE WORLD". 1:15 into the song they mention it. Some peoplpe such as myself know this is fact and we don't mean a deck of cards. Also people say the mandela effect is just mis-remembering things. Wrong again, it is impossible for millions of people to recall the same exact thing and give it all with the same detail. I think maybe you need to do your homework more.

    1. There are 50 states, anyone who says otherwise is hopefully not an American.

    2. Yeh, good example of a song title to use for our mature grown up discussion. Lol. Anyway, one reason why I was told that D.C. was a separate state was for the same reasons which The Vatican in Italy is its own separate place, in the sense of being it's own little monarch type vicinity. Still though, inaccurate in Washington DC's case, it's not a separate state, it's just America's Capitol in the same sense London is the Capitol of the UK. London is not a separate province from the rest of England. As for Puerto Rico, it's part of the US in the same way South Africa is part of the UK. It is a whole separate country which has some similarities and had been colonized by a certain portion of people from the country in comparison, nothing more.

    3. This dude has to be trolling. Nobody is that stupid... except people on r/iamverysmart, where this belongs.

    4. Then why were we taught in school their were 52 states

    5. "Then why were we taught in school their were 52 states"

      Why weren't you taught to use the correct form of "their"?

      Also I loved ICP and "F**K THE WORLD" Was and still is one of my favorite songs. But even then I remember there only being 50 states. Not 52. (And yes, I know that the song says 52, but I always thought they were messing around and having fun like they do in most songs.)

    6. Um, sorry buddy but I would not use icp as my authoritative reference for geological precision. Are you saying that everything icp says is 💯 prevent accurate? Come on buddy. Read a fucking book. Lol

    7. Dude there are only fifty states I'm a US citizen there are 48 in contininental USA and then Alaska and Hawaii off the mainland Alabama
      New Hampshire
      New Jersey
      New Mexico
      New York
      North Carolina
      North Dakota
      Rhode Island
      South Carolina
      South Dakota
      West Virginia
      Wyoming that's a list of all of them.

    8. Ol' dirty Bastard says 52 states in the song Shimmy Shimmy Ya

    9. ODB says 52 states in the song shimmy shimmy ya

    10. Wow,What Language,Don't You All Know,Ummmm That There's Children That Have Eyes And Can Read,Wow,I Mean,REALLY,What Has This World Come Too,Really,PLEASE,PLEASE,Just Always Remember ALL The Kid's,Thankx!!!! Have A Great Day!!!

    11. Any rebel did u write that twice on purpose? Once for each realm?

    12. Funny the territory that had a chance to become a State was the Philippines. The is only 50 States the idea of people being taught otherwise is weird,but to use music as your teacher is just dumb.

    13. For any MC in any 52 states I get psycho killer Norman bates!!

    14. There has never been 52 states. Dont be dumb

    15. @ghost writer, "Dont be dumb". Thats a tall order.

    16. If youre sure then make a list of the 52 states and that will settle it. I'm curious. Don't go by a song.

  2. You provide your hypothesis as a conclusion, whereas it is merely a hypothesis. It isn't just the number of states, it is the American flag itself that also has appeared to change to most people. For me, it used to be a flag containing 52 stars. Sometime in the early 2000s, i had learned in a Dutch school that America has 52 states. When I learned that America was subject to the "mandela effect", i kept a tight watch on the UK flag, which i am VERY familiar with, being a UK expat, in accordance with the scientific method. On the 15th of december, 2016, i wqs surprised to see that the physical union jack that i own, had changed to lose 50% of st' Patricks' saltire.

    It is not timelines converging per se, it is more feasable to suggest that interdimensional travel IS a factor.

    Picture our multiverse as a rubiks cube (now a rubix cube if i am not mistaken), with all the faces corresponding in uniform colour, meaning no sides contain more than one colour. We shall call each face a universe or dimension of the universe for simplicity.

    Now if we are to turn the green side, so that 3 nodes of green are transported to the yellow face (for example), then it would appear to the inhabitants of the green face that had been transported, that their realoty or universe had changed into a yellow universe, with 3/9th of the entire population remembering "green" as being the dominant uniform colour and 6/9th wondering where all these green inhabitants came from.

    It's not timelines but dimensions. There are certainly beings that are capable of transdimensional travel, one such entity or vessel being known as the black knight sattelite, which i have seen personally up close.


    1. There were 52 states..... doesnt matter what the people from this God forsaken place think. They are going by their fraame of reference. You have your own frame of reference from another place. NEVER allow these people to weaken your memories. NEVER start doubting your own memory. Your memories are your memories and dont ever forget that. When timelines are different there wont be any proof.. or else there wouldnt be a timeline difference. Dont attempt to convince people of what you know your history is... they will never get it because this timeline and its history is all they know. All they will do is try to figure out why you remember things wrong, when you're not wrong .... you're just in the wrong timeline for what you remember. They will take a strong memory youve had for years and tell you that you must be getting the number of states mixed up with a deck of 52 cards or some weak nonsense like that example. You will never get confirmation from people who dont share your experiences. Youll only be met with confrontation.

    2. I keep hearing people voice that there were in fact 52 states...but I have yet heard one person say the name of the 2 extra states (not known to us today) and where these "supposed" 2 extra states were geographically. So shut up about the 52 states. Human beings have terrible memories. That's why we use measuring devices and tools when conducting science. It eliminates HUMAN ERROR

    3. Exactly. Name them. All you have to do.

    4. I remember 51 stars on the flag Our teachers always made us count them

  4. If your thoughts about different timelines and dimensions are true, it seems to me that there would be mountains of evidence, substantially more than people remembering things differently. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. What's your proof?

    1. I'm not sure I understand your comment. My claim is that one does not need to posit extra dimensions and timelines to explain why some people think there are 52 states when there are only 50. It sounds like you are asking me to provide evidence that there are different timelines in different dimensions, but that is not my claim.

      Or, are you responding to comments left by others?

    2. Then why were we taught their we're 52 states i i went to school between 1987 and 1999 and went to schools from Oregon calafornia georgia Alabama Texas Indiana Illinois Michigan and a few others and they all taught their were52 states so yes thats what i believe'd and im American abd thats why the majority of people including Americans believe their are 52 because thats what we were taught and it has nothing to do with a deck of cards

    3. And from my understanding everyone is taught america has 52 states i have no clue wen they changed it but that is a fact

    4. I'm currently in highschool and my entire family including my grandparents have all told me that they learned about the 50 states except my grandparents who learned about the 48 and lived through the addition of Alaska and Hawaii. If there was two other states what were their names, location, and when were the added to the union.

  5. When I grew up, in Australia, I always remember being told that America had 52 states and that the number of stars on the flag was to match the number of states. But we never really had to remember all the names of the states.

    What it really could be is an error in the educational books using the number 52. You only need a few books reprinted with the mistake into other languages etc, and used in lots of different schools and if people don't have to remember the names of the states at all and they don't have to actually count all of the states. The error can just be spread everywhere and people can grow up everywhere just thinking of course there are 52 states in USA.

    For example: A lot of atlases/globes were at one stage made with Ukraine labelled "The Ukraine". A lot of people grew up thinking the country was actually called "The Ukraine" because of this. No one living in Ukraine ever called the country "The Ukraine".

    1. The reason we referred to Ukraine as "the Ukraine" has a lot more to do with the ambiguity of Russo-Ukrainian grammar and the length of time "Ukraine" was simply a region within the U.S.S.R, wherein it would have been referred to as "the Ukraine" as would any other region within a country.

  6. Most of the people claiming that America has 52 states aren’t even American. “Well, my school said-“ no. In *American* schools, *American* children are taught the the United States, sometimes called *America*, has 50 states. That’s basically like saying “London is a country” to someone who lives in London. They, living in London, know that what you just said is wrong, and will probably question your reasoning, and like saying America has 52 states, you would say “I heard someone say it one time.” Probably not what you would say, but that’s a summary.

    1. Just clarifying, I was born in and am a U.S. citizen that went to U.S. schools. I learned about 51 states in a U.S. school, I rememberit was 2001 because 9/11 happened as we were learning states and capitols on big mats or something with the states on them that you could take out and place back the states. Like others are saying that remember 52 I remember 51, there were 51 states, and 51 stars to match the states. The reason I remember this so clearly is because of 9/11 and how stupid I thought it was to not have an even number. I don't know the name of the odd state, I struggled with all the names for a while from information overload, however I know for a fact this missing state was not associated with Canada, Puerto Rico, or anything outside of Alaska, Hawaii and the mainland, meaning it was somewhere between in the actual states. This wasn't just a one off because I remember it being 51 so well because we were forced to pledge allegiance every day for years, and it was common knowledge that it had 51 stars. In earlier years I also remember it being brought up and asked by Mrs. R, my 1st grade teacher.

      Regarding people in the U.S. not knowing about London being a city in the UK, is likely because unlike many other countries, we are too self centered, and alot of schools and their criteria don't necessarily always teach that information, or if they do it's usually in a smaller capacity unless very specifically needed otherwise.

      I believe the current timeline or universe that we are in, is different than I remember, but I also believe those who know factually it's 50 states, as well as 51 and 52. Quantum theory and mechanics some day may be able to prove this occured, but until then, I'll hold onto my memory of things that have changed, nothing will bring the changed things back, but it's close enough I can live with it.

    2. Before the internet and fact checking if you count the continental states it looks like 49 because Michigan is 2 separate pieces of land. Looks like 2 different states then add Hawaii and Michigan or hearing about gaining Puerto Rico Before knowing it wouldn't become it's own state maybe. Its likely because some places allowed circulation that they thought was gonna be right in that never was and before the internet connecting us it wasn't always easy to correct

  7. The state of Alabama recognizes 52 states.

  8. American here. First off there are 52 cards in a deck? Since people think somehow that is responsible for how I am unsure of a fact I've known my while life.... I've had to learn more about the states as an American than I would ever have needed to learn about a deck of cards. The number of states is much more common knowledge than the number of cards in a deck. But anyways, among the many things wrong in this universe/timeline/dimension the number of states id incorrect for me. Yes it was 52. 50 states and 2 unincorporated territories worked into the list in the last 20-30 years. We some how had Puerto Rico and Cuba or the District of Columbia as unincorporated U.S. Territories.

    Other things wrong on the list:
    *Spellings of words/people's names
    *Outcomes of events have changed (Lindbergh baby was never found in my reality)
    *things missing (Pikachu has no black on his tail, Curious George has no tail)
    *time is moving faster. We learned to count using 1, 1-thousand 2, 1-thousand, 3 1-thousand or 1-mississippi, 2-mississippi, 3-mississippi to keep from Counting too fast because seconds go by slower then counting from 1 2 3 4 5. Now if you sit there with a clock and watch the seconds timer and try to count one, one-thousand two, one-thousand three, one-thousand almost 2 seconds past in the time that used to be a second

    1. Territories are not states. That's why we call them territories. How do you not know tere are 52 cards in a deck? It's pretty common knowledge, and most adults would be able to figure it out even if they didn't know by counting the ace -10 cards pits a jack, king, and written for each suit. 13 cards per suit x 4 suits is... You guessed it! 52! You win a prize for having average reasonable deduction skills!

    2. I totally agree. I know for a fact it was 52 states. And the Lindbergh baby was never found. Mandela died in prison! Also the Berenstein bears thing. Read these to my kids every night for years. I don't remember all the states, as I wasn't that great a student. Ha ha but I think Puerto Rico was one. An actual state! I do remember Hawaii and Alaska being the last 2 added. I saw a map once that included a North East state, now a Canadian providence as a state, that sounds more likely to me. I am known for my astounding ability to remember things in my family and by my older friends. So I'm certain something changed, I'd say in the last 20 years or about 15-20 years ago I started noticing things weren't correct....I really don't care who believes it. Most things shifted with the dimension, but If seen some evidence that not all things switched over. Some old maps, some old books, etc....or maybe shifted over for some reason.

  9. MeganBrooke84, maybe, just maybe, things that sound like they could be believable are really just sounding like they could be, but not actually being real. Pikachu seems like he could have black on his tail, but he doesn't. I'm sorry to ruin your little snowflake reality, but maybe you just have a shit memory. Stop worrying about how something isn't the way you remembered it and assuming that means you're a special snowflake from another dimension, and get your life together.

  10. Hey Andrew -- I think I have a solid theory... everyone knows there is a contiguous US and the full US including Alaska and Hawaii.

    I bet a bunch of people have a hard time remembering if it comes to 50 AFTER the addition of Alaska and Hawaii or if it is 50 PLUS Alaska and Hawaii.

    1. That was literally the first theory that he talked about in the

    2. That is literally the first theory he talks about in his article.

    3. Thats exactly what I had thought. That there were 50 states on the contental US and Alaska and Hawaii we 51 and 52. Im sure of it!!

  11. Andrew, I bet what is happening in quite a few cases is that people remember that there is a contiguous US and then 2 more states in Alaska and Hawaii.

    Where they are probably slipping up is trying to remember if it is 50 BEFORE or AFTER the addition of Alaska and Hawaii.

  12. I just couldn’t read your blog any further after I read where you said that Puerto Rico is a US territory-on those colorful circular statistics you made. You need to study! Better yet- do a common google search, Puerto Rico IS NOT A U.S TERRITORY-AT ALL!! never was! We only have 50 states! And the fact that Washington is a district is irrelevant!

    1. Er, um, uh... did you read the posting at all? My whole point *is* that there are exactly 50 states. My post responds to those who put forth the notion of the "Mandala Effect" to explain why they believe there are 52.

      Oh, and by the way, Puerto Rico is an "unincorporated US territory." The US Supreme Court declared that it is "a territory appurtenant and belonging to the United States, but not a part of the United States within the revenue clauses of the Constitution", Downes v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244, 287 (1901); Balzac v. Porto Rico, 258 U.S. 298 (1922).

    2. Well, at least I'm not the only one who actually learned something from geography. Dead on man, I'm tired of having this argument with people. Your right, 100 percent

    3. Well your partly correct, I believe we got Puerto Rico from Spain in 1896, and made Puerto Ricans American citizens in 1918. However, prepPu Rico is not an official state and holds no votes in our governing processes. There are fifty states, but people Rico is an American territory.

    4. Puerto Rico is a territory, not a state.

  13. In 8 grade I had to learn all the state's and capitals along with all the presidents and vice presidents and re were 52 states. Ask me what they were and I couldn't tell it was because that was 30 yrs ago. But I do remember Puerto Rico was one of them because since it was an island like Hawaii I kept having to remind myself to remember to label those 2 on the map 1st be starting the connected states.

    1. I think it's more likely that you just weren't properly paying attention. I learned geography in school also, I graduated in 2002, and what I learned was 50 states, and two provinces. However, a province is not a state. But hey, maybe you are a multi verse traveler, if so please contact me, IdI like to leave this reality, it's full of dip shits. Lol

  14. The expression is "throw your hat in the ring." It originates from the custom of a hopeful fighter literally throwing his hat on the ground in the boxing ring to signify that he wanted to fight next, the ring being the circle of men surrounding the bouts before our current square, roped-off rings came into fashion. Why would you throw your ring into a hat? Swingers party, maybe?

  15. there are clearly 501 states. I know this because it is more that 500 but less than 503. duh.

  16. There are 51 states if you include Canada. Just saying.

    1. Canada is a country not a state, so you would also be counting every state of Canada as part of the states, why not throw in Mexico for good measure

  17. Who am I, snowflake used twice in your post? Best your hammer out the smh, much and lol's to don't you? Scanning online every new and catchy saying is rather sheep like isn't it? 20 years plus and I don't use lol either. Not saying I'm above or beyond, but you are handing out an online beatdown using corny slang, I guess I'm 'triggered' .

    1. You're not triggered, you're just dumb as hell

  18. If you subtract the commonwealths you get 44 states. If you then add the territories you get (over) 58. If you then subtract the states you don't want any more, you get the number you want. Bingo!

  19. No edit function, but that should have been 46 states, with the commonwealths subtracted.

    Also, I wanted to add that 50 sounds too neat, like the height of Mt. Everest (in feet). 52 is also the number of weeks in a year, so we are programmed to know that number. How we ever remembered the number of states before we hit 52, I'll never know. I hardly imagine anybody is checking and rechecking the figure, so maybe the official word is 50, but, since nobody can be bothered to count, it might as well be "approximately 50".

  20. My confusion links directly to the number of cards in a deck...I saw someone in another forum who said the same thing, so I’m not alone...maybe it’s a big in the way the memory is stored...who knows
    -Matt - NASA engineer.

  21. If you morons think there are 52 states, why is it called THE LOWER 48?! Then you add Hawaii and Alaska, boom you get your 50. I can't believe this is even a debate.

    1. I can’t either. These people all voted for trump, of that I’m certain.

    2. I can’t either. These people all voted for trump, of that I’m certain.

  22. Us born and raised. Grew up in CT. Have always known there was 48 contiguous states but I could swear that I was taught 52 states in school. I was a 1982 baby so I graduated high school in 2000. I totally can't explain the 52 thing since I know that Hawaii and Alaska aren't part of the contiguous 48, so they obviously make fifty when added in. Not sure what happened to the other 2. Maybe my teachers were adding in Puerto Rico and DC into the count? I couldn't tell you. So weird.

  23. There is only one thing I would like answered allot of the Mandela Effect people remember something like the monopoly man having a monocle (and he did) in this place he does not. So if there were 52 states how come nobody can spit out the names of those 2 lost states. I am on both sides here I vaguely remember being tought there were 52 states throughout elementary years but also remember there only being 50.

  24. There was more than 50 states. I have the proof here: Http://

    over time we shifted in other universes that changes which states we had and lost a few. There would not be flags out there with 52 stars if we never had 52 states. there is no mi remembering. most people just don't understand the mandela effect enough to back it up.

    Jefferson and franklin are the missing two I learn in school

  25. Shimmy shimmy y'all by Wu Tang even has 52 states in the lyrics

    1. For any MC in any 52 states I get psycho killer Norman bates

    2. @KillABee - I have no idea what that means (and yet for some reason I find it entertaining.)

  26. I'm not sure when it comes to the Mandela effect because I'm one who recalls Berenstein vs Berenstain (and I've always been quite observant and tend to notice clerical errors and mispronounciations..I know-so annoying!) as well as some of the other recalled events/titles associated with the Mandela effect. However, I do feel this particular one could certainly be due to the fact the we all probably learn about the flag first, 50 stars for 50 states; and we later, during a higher grade level in geography class learn about the "newly" acquired states of Alaska and hawaii(especially for those of us whose teachers were around before the acquisition of Alaska and Hawaii) Our brains COULD simply add the two "new" states to the existing knowledge of 50 states not realizing when we were kids they weren't actually "new"and were already accounted for on the flag. Idk but I do recall at some point in my childhood learning/thinking there were 52. Never as an adult, but maybe I simply accepted my new timeline. lol

  27. I'm not in the US and remember reading in an encyclopedia as a child that there were 52 states. However, they were then listed and I'm positive that Washington DC was on the list. I remember this because I then went on to look up the difference between 'Washington' and 'Washington DC' and thought it was weird that they were states at opposite ends of the country and one was tiny.

  28. The event is called the Mandela Effect. Millions of people remembered certain things taking place to relies they are alter or do not exist. The event is believed to be changed by time travel or universe shifting (both which is proven to exist). There is prove there was 52 or more depending what timeline we came from or shifted in

  29. I was taught in school that there were 52 states. It was many moons ago, so I don't remember how or why we were taught that, but the older generations commenting are telling the truth. That is definitely what we were taught.

  30. We were taught 52 (1960’s grade school.) No one questioned it or counted them manually. A teacher tells you that and you accept it. I do vaguely remember PR being counted as one of them.

  31. I didn't know until today that there was ANYONE who thought we had 52 States! Those who claim they were taught that in school are either: a) misremembering; b) lying (trolling); or c) victims of a very stupid teacher who should be fired.
    SOMEONE. Please post a list of these 50 states. Point us to a picture of a flag with 52 stars (that hasn't been doctored).

  32. Now like for some of us who are non Americans what we are tought is that the stars in the American flag represent the number of the states and if counted here in Uganda they are 52 so let some body clarify this

  33. Americans citizens post for the truth coz it's your country

  34. For everyone saying there is 52 cards in the deck is already wrong there is actually 54 I grew from the 80s I learned 52 states this has been a high debate in my house lately cause so many learned something different timelines has changed I’ve seen technology come to what it is now I thought would be that it is a transition to the new generation is going to learn differently and be brainwashed to the point they will give up all their rights and won’t even know they did it the world is changing history is being erased but if you can think outside of the box they put you in you get to see a whole different effect not saying anyone is wrong from what they have learned other than how many cards is in a deck of cards cause yall always toss the jokers to the side but think for once what is happening to alter such things in life to make it that way

  35. This is the craziest thing I've ever read. I just was googling due to the ICP lyrics with false claims of 52 states. I assume they just don't know how many states are in America and getting it confused with a deck of cards, but you would think a publisher or something would have tipped them off before it was released. No one was ever taught that there were 52 states. some people may just not know how to count. No one has ever seen extra states that have been removed it's 48 connected together plus Alaska beside Canada and Hawaii out in the ocean and there's never been anymore, only less.

  36. I also remember we were taught in catholic school that there were 52 states. Puerto Rico was one and Hawaii and Alaska were the last 2. I was shocked when I recently realized that they are now saying there are only 50. I was actually shocked. I know for a fact that is what I was taught and I was a good student. Something changed. They could have been including Washington DC I cant be sure.

  37. I went to school in the 70's and I was taught in catholic school that there were 52 states. I do believe that Puerto Rico was included and Hawaii and Alaska were the last 2 states added. They could have been including Washington DC

  38. Could someone provide me with the names of the missing two states


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