Garden Tour

By | Tuesday, April 12, 2011 3 comments

The water feature in my garden.

Busy, busy, busy.

It's spring here in California, and when California springs, it doesn't kid around. I've completely lost count of the number of hours I have spent in the garden over the last two weeks. Weeding, pruning, fertilizing (organic), spraying (Safer Soap, etc.) Then there's "The Farm" - turning the soil, tilling and cultivating, pulling old carrots and planting new ones, planting corn, tomatoes, peppers, cantaloupe, cucumbers, zucchini, patty pan squash, herbs... Then there's the spring harvests - crazy amounts of chard and fava beans. On top of that I have to do something with all that food.

Busy, busy, busy.

Spring in the garden is always a busy time, but this year it is doubly so because my garden will be featured in the Hillside Gardeners of Montclair garden tour, May 1. This is a wonderful tour of gardens in Oakland's Montclair district that raises funds for various horticultural educational projects. I'm very pleased and honored to have my garden on the tour. However, it is an extra challenge because I want to time things so that by May 1 my garden looks perfect, but I also want it to look untouched. Perfect but effortless. No easy feat.

As if that weren't enough, I noticed that the Hillside Gardener's of Montclair didn't have a web site (tsk, tsk.) To my surprise, was available! So, I registered it and created a web site for them.

Busy, busy, busy!

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  1. thank you Andrew, your neighbor sharon sanchez-a hillside gardner with one short leg!

  2. Thank you Andrew.I can't wait to see your garden
    and the web site is great!
    A gardener with out a hill!
    Carole Klyce

  3. This is lovely, I didn't realize that was a water feature; it's never been on when I've been there. I bet the fish love to swim under the water!


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